Nomble (Snowy) luxury jewelry

This is the product list page for Nombur (Yukizaki) luxury jewelry. Currently, Yukizaki stocks 232 Nombur (Yukizaki) products.

Messages that can be put into numbers and initials - NOMBRE - Why not always wear your special numbers or initials, such as your own or a loved one's birthday, or the initials of your family or lover? There is a wide variety of sizes, materials, and combinations of parts. Your very own Noble.

"NOMBRE" is available in a wide variety of sizes and colors. Available in 3 colors: YG/WG/PG, and made from genuine K18 material. You can enjoy changing the size and color depending on your mood and fashion that day. ``NOMBRE PREMIUM'' and ``NOMBRE RING'' are popular among men because their heavy feel emphasizes masculinity. “NOMBRE” and “ALPHA” are available in 3 sizes: L/M/S and can be used by both men and women. The delicate "PUTIT" series is an elegant and cute piece of authentic jewelry that is perfect as a gift.

Delivery to some areas may be delayed due to typhoons.Please understand beforehand.

Nomble popularity ranking

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Please use this to help you choose a watch as trends change daily.


Nomble Staff Recommended Ranking

We have created a ranking of the products that Yukizaki's sales staff are paying close attention to.
These are noteworthy products carefully selected from one of the largest selections in Japan.




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Handling brand