Explorer (Rolex) luxury watches

This is the list of luxury Rolex Explorer watches. Currently, Yukizaki has 248 Explorer (Rolex) products in stock.

In 1953, explorers Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay became the first humans to climb Mount Everest. Explorer (explorer) was announced to honor the great achievement. The consistent identity of only the hour, minute, and second hands has been inherited to the Explorer I, and the lean and simple design is one of the reasons for its long-selling popularity. In 1971, the Explorer II was announced as a model for cave explorers. It has a 24-hour hand so that you can distinguish between day and night even in dark caves. In 1978, the Explorer II, worn by Italian mountaineer Reinhold Messner when he climbed Mt. Everest without oxygen for the first time in humankind, demonstrated its capabilities even in extreme environments. Rolex Explorer

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ExplorerList of popular model numbers


ExplorerList of popular model numbers



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